
Configuring Eduroam on Linux

This is a short guide on how to configure eduroam on Linux.

UMU created a guide in Swedish. It is eerily similar to mine… Well! The WPA-supplicant guide still holds, however.

This is a brief guide for how to install Eduroam on a Linux computer at Umeå University. I made this guide since at the time of writing there is no definite guide on ITS as how this is done, so until then, this site exists.

There are two methods shown here - one is for when you have access to a wifi-settings GUI (which is the case for most people), and the other is for configuring manually using wpa_supplicant.

Note that there might be slight differences between your flavour of Linux and what I show here (Debian with GNOME and Raspbian), but the instructions should be very similar independent on what distribution you are using.

Downloading certificates

For both methods you need to acquire certificates for the specific machine you are going to configure eduroam on.

  • Go to and log in using your CAS. Then, press ‘‘Create certificate’’. Add a reasonable comment so you remember what machine the certificate goes to, and press ‘‘Create Certificate’’.
  • Important: make sure that you write down the given password to your certificate. It is not possible to retrieve this after you have closed this window.
  • Press ‘‘Download personal certificate’’ and ‘‘Download root certificate’’ to download your certificates. Your personal certificate should have the name <your-cas>.pfx and the root certificate UMU-CAROOT-CA2.cer.
  • For both instructions your personal certificate has to have a different file ending. To fix this, simply rename your file from <your-cas>.pfx to <your-cas>.p12. In the terminal, this is done by two simple commands:
    cd <path-to-your-certificate>
    mv <your-cas>.pfx <your-cas>.p12
  • Put the certificates in a proper folder on your system. I recommend putting them in a new folder like /etc/certs/eduroam, or wherever you feel like putting them.

Configuration using a GUI

  • Open your wifi settings menu. On GNOME this is done by pressing the upper-right corner on your computer and opening up the menu with the Wifi-symbol and pressing ‘‘Wi-Fi Settings’’.
  • Choose ‘Connect to Hidden Network…’.
  • Under ‘Network name’ write ‘eduroam’.
  • Then the security settings are as follows:
    • ‘Wi-Fi security’ should be ‘WPA & WPA2 Enterprise’
    • ‘Authentication’ should be ‘TLS’
    • ‘Identity’ should be your CAS name followed by ‘’. So for a CAS ‘abcd1234’ it will be ‘’
    • ‘User certificate’ does not have to be filled in
    • ‘CA certificate’ should be the path to the UMU-certificate on your system (‘UMU-CAROOT-CA2.cer’)
    • ‘Private key’ should be the path to the personal certificate on your system (.p12)
    • ‘Private key password’ should be the password you wrote down earlier when downloading the certificates
  • After this is filled out you press ‘Apply’ and Voilá! You are connected to eduroam. Congratulations!

Configuration using wpa_supplicant

I will assume in this guide that you already have wpa_supplicant installed. This is installed and configured by default on Raspbian. If this is not the case, search for an installation guide online.

  • First you need to find your wifi interface. On a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B running raspbian (and for most systems) it usually called something like wlanX, where X is some number. To find the name, type the following command in the terminal
    ip a

    Which should show all your network interfaces.

  • Now when you know the name of your wifi interface, you need to configure some files within the system. First, your interfaces has to be configured. This is done by editing file /etc/network/interfaces. To do this, you can use nano as a superuser
    sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

    To connect your interface to wpa_supplicant add the following lines to the end of the file (change your interface if not applicable)

    auto wlan0
    allow-hotplug wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet manual
    wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

    and save the file by pressing Ctrl+x and then Y.

  • To add the network eduroam to your wpa_supplicant you need to edit wpa_supplicant.conf.
    sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

    and add the following lines to the end of the file


    where the password is the same as saved before. Change the paths if you placed your certs somewhere else than /etc/certs.

  • Now your wifi should automatically connect to eduroam!