
My Plots.jl setup

Remember me saying I wouldn’t re-learn another plotting package? Gotcha!

plots.jl friend

I didn’t bother to learn Plots.jl first because I found the documentation a bit lacking. However, once I figured it out I really liked its syntax and ease of configuration. It is also very easy to switch between backends. You can for example use PGFPlotsX to generate tikz-code that you can put directly into LaTeX!

plots example

Here is my PyPlot configuration mapped to Plots.jl. To use this, add the following code to $HOME/.julia/config/startup.jl.

        :palette => :Set2,  # Reasonable palette
        :labelfontsize => 12, :tickfontsize => 10, :titlefontsize => 12,
	:fontfamily => "Computer Modern",
        :foreground_color_legend => nothing,  # set the legend frame to invisible
        :framestyle => :box,
        :size => (328, 300),  # size in pixels - width of PLR column width
        :legend => false,  # no legend by default
        :grid => false,
	:msw => 0  # remove outline around markers